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Viper®-ST Recloser

Viper®-S Recloser

G&W Electric’s Viper-S® solid dielectric, three phase recloser combines the time proven reliability of electronically controlled, vacuum fault interrupters with the maintenance benefits of a solid dielectric insulated device. This recloser is designed with a mechanically ganged operator for three phase automatic or manual trip operation providing overcurrent protection for systems rated up to 38kV maximum, 800A continuous, and 12.5kA rms symmetrical interrupting.

Features and Benefits

  • Reliable performance – Viper-S reclosers utilize G&W Electric’s time-proven epoxy polymer system to fully encapsulate the vacuum interrupters. This system provides excellent insulation properties while providing fully shielded, void-free construction.
  • Control Flexibility – Viper-S three-phase reclosers are designed to work directly with the popular, field-proven SEL-351R control. Other control options are available depending on application and end-user requirements.
  • Ease of Installation – The Viper-S is lightweight and compact. Site-ready designs provide all accessories including bracket, arresters and voltage transformers preassembled prior to shipment significantly reducing installation time.
  • Power Grid Automation Ready – The Viper-S is automation-ready, simplifying conversion for any future automation requirements. Options for adding multi-ratio current transformer for additional applications and requirements.
  • Manual Trip Operation – For manual open and lockout operation, a handle is provided permitting hook stick operation. Pulling the handle down trips and locks out the recloser.

Configuration Details

  • Polemount Center Bracket
  • Polemount Alley-arm Bracket
  • Polemount Complete Site-Ready Assembly
  • Substation Mount Recloser
  • Padmount
Electrical Ratings Chart for Viper®-S

Maximum Design Voltage, kV 15.52738
Impulse level (BIL), kV110125150
Continuous & load break current, A800800800
8-hour Overload, A rms at 20°C960960960
60Hz Withstand, kV rms
- - - One minute (dry)506070
- - - 10 second (wet)455060
Radio Influence Voltage, microvolts 100 @9.4kV16.4kV23kV
Interrupting Current, kA rms sym.12.512.512.5
Making Current, kA asym. rms202020
Making Current, kA asym. peak323232
Short Circuit Current, kA sym., 3 second12.512.512.5
Mechanical endurance, operations10,00010,00010,000
Temperature range-60°C to +65°C-60°C to +65°C-60°C to +65°C
Continuous Current800A*800A*
*Consult factory for higher continuous current up to 1000A